I have picked a few songs, the first is my going away song to you all and the second is one from a special event - see if you can remember: song 1, song 2 (can you remember which event?), because you all know the meaning of a song is important and because what better way to end than to listen to the words of this.
So it's been a week. Feels longer because it has been a busy one but tonight I felt was the time to dedicate to saying this last Au Revoir.
Where do I begin though? I suppose I'll just start anywhere and see where it goes.
When I think back to 1st year and the person I was then I don't quite recognise myself, All Saints has completely redesigned me and created the individual I am today. I'll be honest, back then I had no real goals in life, I didn't know who I was, had no idea what I wanted but most of all had absolutely no motivation inside me to be something more. Truthfully, up until the end of 4th year my pathway in life wasn't clear and I didn't understand what could be waiting for me if I just opened my eyes.
Then, of course you all know what happened - languages. Quite frankly, I don't care how much people might not understand how one thing could completely wake me up and challenge everything. I arrived in the department and something different happened, I began to feel like I was properly needed in the place I'd spent the past 4 years attending. For the first time something truly mattered to me, something created my road to the future all the while the teachers drove me along it. My God, how thankful I am for CT's "higher French" calls because truthfully where would I be, who would I be had she never saw something special in me - something no one ever had. So I began channelling my inner-Frenchman which effectively shapes up to be the inner-me and began this journey that despite me leaving is far from over. I became the person I had always wanted to be but never knew it and so there I was at the bistro sessions, the multi-lingual debates, the staff breakfasts and I loved it - I look back on all these occasions so fondly.
I had found my calling in life, I really had. I enjoyed attending the additional support classes such as Saturday school and the like and felt so prepared for the exam. Then the exam happened. It went fine... well, no I just thought it did. It was August and after months of waiting the exam results were being delivered and I was involved in yet another one of my language adventures, this time on the Strathclyde accelerate programme. A few of my friends decided to stay off on the day of the results but I chose to attend and so anxiously took part in the French activities before a shift occurred. Suddenly, my friends confirmed the impossible, they'd failed French. We'd all bonded throughout the year and they were my family so my heart simply broke when I heard they hadn't achieved in the way they should have but in return it made me completely question what my results would say. I had to wait until I finished and got home at 4 that day to get the news. I got in the door and my Mum was ready and waiting and we ran upstairs, she did the honours - or the dishonours as I could argue - and began reading the results before getting to the one I wanted to hear most. "...French. D." my heart sank and I ran off into my room in denial, confused and angry at myself. I just sat as time ticked by and the occasional person tried to speak to me through the door. Everything I had stood for had changed and I was deemed a failure in the thing that mattered most to me. It killed me. I genuinely had no idea where I was to go from here and how I would pick myself back up. I always remembering see Mrs Campbell-Thow, the following day and she was trying to comfort me knowing how gone I was, I loved speaking to her but I just couldn't and swiftly left - things were different and I felt I had disappointed her.
So the next couple of days were my low point and I always think back to just how sad I was back then but somehow I found the strength to begin to realise that the piece of paper, that I haven't looked at since August, wasn't a definition of my ability - my experience in the subject was. Re-opting, I was back in higher French for the second time and I felt myself in a funny situation, I was surrounded by people who were just at the beginning of their higher story and here I was re-reading it. I faked so many smiles and forced the "bonjour's" when truly my biggest wish was to have someone say "sorry, bit of a mistake you aren't supposed to be resitting". But I was and I couldn't change that.
A few months down the line I had the absolute privilege of going on the "Euroscola" programme and spent the week in France with Anthony and Emma, two of the most talented linguists and greatest friends I have. The experience is my favourite thing of 6th year, I can't recommend the programme enough, I met new people, used my French like never before and for the first time in a long while channelled my inner-me. However, I can never put into words how out of my depth I did actually feel, these people around me - on paper - were better than me at French yet they hadn't had the experiences I had so how? The week was a challenge for me and a time for me to prove myself wrong, my thoughts of "you can't do this" wrong and do you know what? I think I succeeded.
I returned in December feeling better after my Strasbourg pick-me-up but not yet complete. Nevertheless I was as active as ever and I continually loved passing on the lingo message. It was February before I came to accept that I was back for a reason. Some of you will already know what it was that made me discover who I was again and why it was right for me to be back, it was the night of the Burns Supper. I was pretending I could address a haggis as yet again I was believed in, I was shown how to be confident doing something out of my comfort zone again. I sat emerged in this cultural experience, a twist on your regular Burns Night featuring the lingo family - I loved it. I felt this feeling of inclusion as I sat and watched everyone smile and have a laugh together at this incredible evening. I spoke to you guys - the 5th years. It was like it just clicked. You 5th years had always been part of the higher French experiences but I had never realised just how mad about this subject you all were, you all have the enthusiasm, drive and love that I first had and still do. By coming to realise that you were all doing what I was I found my way back on to the road, you all truthfully made me discover who I was again - I was a linguist and honestly no SQA exam result was defining that. Without being too deep, it was genuinely you for having the same "thing" as I did that made me, me again. I can never thank you all enough.
From the Burns Supper I began the process of acceptance and made a concious decision to get to know you all - I hope you would all agree I've done this. Over the coming weeks I learned who you all were, got to know your circumstances and made real, true friends. You guys have so much potential and I see it in everyone of you but I don't think you all see it in yourselves. Listen, I know how that feels when everyone around you seems to be doing fine and you think "I have no idea what I'm doing" or "I can't do this" but before you will ever achieve you have to believe that you can. I feel an honest connection with you all through this languages bond but now since that fateful night I feel like we were all meant to meet. I think the reason that we all match so much is because you'll never understand the gratitude I have for being allowed to be my true self and have that encouraged every single day.
One of my other memories is of the sleepout, yet another great experience and one of those discoveries you don't get elsewhere - the reality of the world. I mentioned in the other post about how I was taught to be a nice person through volunteering and that's why the Night Fever followed by the sleepout is dear to me because it was about practising my religion and then experiencing what the real world is like. What I enjoyed about the sleepout was chatting with you all and I want you to know that seeing you all take part in this sort of thing again confirmed how similar we are - you have got to be quite a dedicated bunch of 16/17/18 year olds and love what you're doing to give up a Friday night to sleep on the floor of a church hall. I loved this night, even if someone's snoring did prevent sleep, it was funny though right?
You know who you are and it's important that you know that although I say goodbye to so much at All Saints the biggest and therefore the saddest goodbye is to all of you. I have one true regret about my 6 years at All Saints and it's that I never made the effort with you all before it was way too late. Spending the occasional lunch time in the French class or just seeing you in the corridors and speaking for bit concluded my All Saints experience perfectly though. I would have never seen it ending in such a way but it was the most fitting and I just wish we had more chances, more lingo days out, more coffee mornings because the simple things are the best and sadly we've reached the "shop's shut" point.
As for All Saints and languages I'll miss the everyday, I'll miss the structure, I'll miss the normality and I'll miss who I am now because I will never be the same person when I finally do finish - I will never be taught in a class again and that simple fact is heartbreaking for me. I don't know if anyone really understands how much of a pleasure my 6 years have been, or at least my last 2, but because of how lovely and gr11 (great to those of you who don't get the lingo) they were I want more. I don't feel like it's my time and that could be for many reasons or simply because I'm not confident about where I'm going next. I feel like I'm returning to square 1 and I discovered this in my last 5 days when I was having a busy, stressful week and I remembering just wanting to go have a coffee with Mrs CT but I couldn't and therefore I just felt like I was lingering in the school - I was beginning to feel like I wasn't part again and I'm worried that is what is next. However, being optimistic on this is that with you 5th years around I had the comfort and reassurance of the lingo family when I was stressed.
However, I admit it openly, I don't want to go. Not yet.
My Ninjas, I miss you all so very much already and I hope that this isn't the end of our friendships. No matter where I go in life - which I guess hopefully is Strathclyde Uni next - you will all be with me because although I say goodbye you will all never be far for as long as you are in my heart. I wish you every success in what you do next, good luck with the exams and when you arrive in 6th year all I ask is from day 1 that you respect your days at the school are numbered but if you take every opportunity, put in your all and have a bloody good time like I did you will feel complete and happy to say goodbye. Maybe I should realise that too?
This post may be all over the place I just tried to write a bit and let you all know how much All Saints meant to me but if there was one thing that mattered most it was the people. Home, (languages department) I will miss you everyday because I hate goodbyes but I leave my mark (quite literally) and I will always be on call for anything that you want me for. My chapter is done at not only All Saints but @allsaintslingo, turn the page but know that there is nothing wrong with re-reading every once in a while - please don't forget me, we are all stories in the end I just I hope it's been a good one. I hope I have added something to your lives.
I love you all and that is why saying goodbye is truly gutting.
An #AllSaintsAuldStar but always a #LingoNinja,
P.S. This is my @allsaintslingo song, for all those who didn't think we could: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tZfZ9GNNLY (2:40 is my bit to the department, my incredible lingo mammies and you my lingo family)
Friday, 1 May 2015
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Episode 14, Au Revoir The Noo: Tuesday, 14th April 2015
For the final time Ant and Dec host as we look at the UK general election campaign and Hilary Clinton's chances of becoming US president.
The centre of the podcast focuses on the end of an era as we say goodbye to Mrs CT, we then discuss, with her and some of the family, the past 2 years and what impact the #LingoMammy has had on us all. Also, we have an exclusive interview with the person who'll be taking over from the 27th of April, Mr Waugh.
GMN would like to thank you for your continued support over the past 9 months. Both Anthony and Declan have had an absolutely great time recording these podcasts, updating the @GMorningNinjas Twitter and generally having a good laugh experiencing what it would be like to be a newsreader... Of sorts. We hope you have had enjoyment and education from these "weekly" shows and will take something away from them. For now, it's au revoir.
Theme by: Daniel Kerr and freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Friday, 3 April 2015
We Are Family
Dear weans,
I had the best happy and sad day with you on Thursday. Looking at my memory books, the cards, the wee notes and all the gifts made me think about you all again today. I know I have told you this before, but I don't think you ever believe us when we tell you that you just can't quantify the hours a teacher spends worrying or thinking about the weans. Well I know I can't.
I was overwhelmed by your kindness and touched by your emotions. You did indeed break me. But I don't really think you will ever know how much I have to take away from having had the privilege of being your teacher.
Being a teacher is a privilege and I've never forgotten that.
I had the best teachers your could ask for. Few dodgy ones of course, ( aye, you know the subjects I used to skip to go down the beach but let's not go there....it's not like I was running!)
I started my teaching career and discovered very quickly that I loved working with young people, I hated the paperwork but loved the weans.
That has never left me and I have been found to say to people, do you want me to push paper or teach weans? When I have not been able to be in class I've learned to live with the fact that when I am there I'll do my very best to look after you and help you to be your best self, but when I am not I have to trust that someone else will. ( like a parent, I know they won't do it like I do, the C-T way).
Before I came to the first floor , one of the staff members at school told me that he had never been professionally happier and I totally agree. I have had the joy and privilege of teaching some of the most outstanding, inspiring and weans the most ready to leave their mark in this world that I have ever met.
Teaching in All Saints requires the very best of staff and I hope you know I have tried to give you the very best of me.
Being a great teacher depends on a lot things but like any good manager, you are only as good as the team around you and for me,I had the best team of weans.
People often ask what it is I teach, and the answer is not what, it is who. I teach the #allsaintsallstars
There are so many memories from my time in all saints that I don't know where to begin. They all involve weans and probably falling about laughing.
There were the big ones, like the events, (no one organises an event like we do) the fundraising, soup kitchen, night fever etc,but my favourite memories usually involve coffee, chatting ,eating laughing and being in room 226 with the good people. ( aye, probably did a bit of greeting too).
When I came to All Saints I felt like I had come home, and I wanted to create a wee home for the weans. I'm glad that you felt you had a home.
Being a teacher is a bit like being in love, you are excited, full of energy, it can be all consuming and you can think of nothing else. It can also be unbearably frustrating.
You'll never know how proud I am of each and every one of you, how much I loved coming into work, what a giggle i had as I taught you the shire patter, and what a joy is what to be part of your day. The pleasure was indeed all mine.
You've given me more memories and smiles than I can fit into my heart and for that I'll always be in your debt. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle and always remember to be your best self, no one else.
You will always have a massive part in my wee heart and my kettle will always be on for you.
Mrs C-T x
Dear weans,
I had the best happy and sad day with you on Thursday. Looking at my memory books, the cards, the wee notes and all the gifts made me think about you all again today. I know I have told you this before, but I don't think you ever believe us when we tell you that you just can't quantify the hours a teacher spends worrying or thinking about the weans. Well I know I can't.
I was overwhelmed by your kindness and touched by your emotions. You did indeed break me. But I don't really think you will ever know how much I have to take away from having had the privilege of being your teacher.
Being a teacher is a privilege and I've never forgotten that.
I had the best teachers your could ask for. Few dodgy ones of course, ( aye, you know the subjects I used to skip to go down the beach but let's not go there....it's not like I was running!)
I started my teaching career and discovered very quickly that I loved working with young people, I hated the paperwork but loved the weans.
That has never left me and I have been found to say to people, do you want me to push paper or teach weans? When I have not been able to be in class I've learned to live with the fact that when I am there I'll do my very best to look after you and help you to be your best self, but when I am not I have to trust that someone else will. ( like a parent, I know they won't do it like I do, the C-T way).
Before I came to the first floor , one of the staff members at school told me that he had never been professionally happier and I totally agree. I have had the joy and privilege of teaching some of the most outstanding, inspiring and weans the most ready to leave their mark in this world that I have ever met.
Teaching in All Saints requires the very best of staff and I hope you know I have tried to give you the very best of me.
Being a great teacher depends on a lot things but like any good manager, you are only as good as the team around you and for me,I had the best team of weans.
People often ask what it is I teach, and the answer is not what, it is who. I teach the #allsaintsallstars
There are so many memories from my time in all saints that I don't know where to begin. They all involve weans and probably falling about laughing.
There were the big ones, like the events, (no one organises an event like we do) the fundraising, soup kitchen, night fever etc,but my favourite memories usually involve coffee, chatting ,eating laughing and being in room 226 with the good people. ( aye, probably did a bit of greeting too).
When I came to All Saints I felt like I had come home, and I wanted to create a wee home for the weans. I'm glad that you felt you had a home.
Being a teacher is a bit like being in love, you are excited, full of energy, it can be all consuming and you can think of nothing else. It can also be unbearably frustrating.
You'll never know how proud I am of each and every one of you, how much I loved coming into work, what a giggle i had as I taught you the shire patter, and what a joy is what to be part of your day. The pleasure was indeed all mine.
You've given me more memories and smiles than I can fit into my heart and for that I'll always be in your debt. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle and always remember to be your best self, no one else.
You will always have a massive part in my wee heart and my kettle will always be on for you.
Mrs C-T x
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Your Work Here is Done
I came across this song again recently and I realised how much the words apply in this situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rqsltr5vsE
So, we're finally here are we? Yes the fateful day when you put on your Stevie Wonder track, remove your name from the door and depart All Saints leaving behind a legacy, a sense of a care and an everlasting love - hasn't it all came too quick?
But before you go I want to speak about my experiences over the past 3 years and try to understand why it's important that now is the time.
When you first came to All Saints I didn't care about languages, simply I didn't see the possibilities nor could I even consider what they could mean to me yet, suddenly your "higher French" calls stuck with me and I ended up choosing not only a subject but a culture, a country, a home and a family. I have never looked back on that decision, even if for the first couple of months I had no idea what I was doing. You see, people can forever tell me "you would never have picked a higher language if it wasn't for Mrs Campbell-Thow" and do you know what they are right. I wouldn't have but I am so glad you did come along when you did because who know's where I would've gone had you not. I might have picked higher French because you suggested it however, by no means does that suggest over the past 2 years that I've not discovered so much more. Every single day you have inspired me to do more, be more and push myself and I have grown so much since those days of Barenaked Ladies spending a million dollars.
Mrs Campbell-Thow, it would be an understatement to say you've changed my life because you've done so much more than that. You made me who I am today. My favourite thing from when the Teacher of the Year awards took place was when I told the people who came to talk to us that you don't only teach a language you teach lessons in life. It's one thing to stand in front of a class giving it "bonjour" but to feel it and channel that to us pupils is something else. Volunteering on a Sunday night in Glasgow city centre was something I would never have seen myself doing but, as weird as it is to say, I enjoy it. I feel so humbled after each sessions, I get a real sense of warmth when I go away from speaking with the service users - you never realise how important your time is to someone else until you visit a place where hope is gone and love is needed. You gave me the courage to do something like that, you taught me what it is to be a nice person.
When I think back at some of the crazy things we've all done over the past 2 years I feel so completed, so happy and so grateful but I'm also really sad. Those Bistro sessions are gone, those "it's Tuesday so we're having a staff breakfast" are gone. I'll miss those things because no one ever allows you to embrace your inner-self the same way languages do and I don't quite know if I can get out of the habit of that? You showed me how to be myself and there's no greater thing than being yourself amongst people who encourage and are entertained by who you really are.
I won't go on much more, I'll keep it short like what your time at All Saints seems like, but hey leave a party when it's great right? Campbell-Thow over the past 2 years you have been my inspiration, my driving force, my #LingoMammy. I'll miss those early morning coffee sessions, I'll miss your wise words but most of all I'll simply miss you. You have been the most awe-inspiring teacher I have ever had and I have gained ungainable knowledge in your classroom. Please never forget how you have absolutely changed the course of my life - I miss you on behalf of the school and you haven't even left yet. Time to go spread your magic dust somewhere else but, should you ever need us, the #LingoNinjas will never be far away.
Thank you more than words, in any language, can ever say.
Lingo Ninja points - strong 10
So, we're finally here are we? Yes the fateful day when you put on your Stevie Wonder track, remove your name from the door and depart All Saints leaving behind a legacy, a sense of a care and an everlasting love - hasn't it all came too quick?
But before you go I want to speak about my experiences over the past 3 years and try to understand why it's important that now is the time.
When you first came to All Saints I didn't care about languages, simply I didn't see the possibilities nor could I even consider what they could mean to me yet, suddenly your "higher French" calls stuck with me and I ended up choosing not only a subject but a culture, a country, a home and a family. I have never looked back on that decision, even if for the first couple of months I had no idea what I was doing. You see, people can forever tell me "you would never have picked a higher language if it wasn't for Mrs Campbell-Thow" and do you know what they are right. I wouldn't have but I am so glad you did come along when you did because who know's where I would've gone had you not. I might have picked higher French because you suggested it however, by no means does that suggest over the past 2 years that I've not discovered so much more. Every single day you have inspired me to do more, be more and push myself and I have grown so much since those days of Barenaked Ladies spending a million dollars.
Mrs Campbell-Thow, it would be an understatement to say you've changed my life because you've done so much more than that. You made me who I am today. My favourite thing from when the Teacher of the Year awards took place was when I told the people who came to talk to us that you don't only teach a language you teach lessons in life. It's one thing to stand in front of a class giving it "bonjour" but to feel it and channel that to us pupils is something else. Volunteering on a Sunday night in Glasgow city centre was something I would never have seen myself doing but, as weird as it is to say, I enjoy it. I feel so humbled after each sessions, I get a real sense of warmth when I go away from speaking with the service users - you never realise how important your time is to someone else until you visit a place where hope is gone and love is needed. You gave me the courage to do something like that, you taught me what it is to be a nice person.
When I think back at some of the crazy things we've all done over the past 2 years I feel so completed, so happy and so grateful but I'm also really sad. Those Bistro sessions are gone, those "it's Tuesday so we're having a staff breakfast" are gone. I'll miss those things because no one ever allows you to embrace your inner-self the same way languages do and I don't quite know if I can get out of the habit of that? You showed me how to be myself and there's no greater thing than being yourself amongst people who encourage and are entertained by who you really are.
I won't go on much more, I'll keep it short like what your time at All Saints seems like, but hey leave a party when it's great right? Campbell-Thow over the past 2 years you have been my inspiration, my driving force, my #LingoMammy. I'll miss those early morning coffee sessions, I'll miss your wise words but most of all I'll simply miss you. You have been the most awe-inspiring teacher I have ever had and I have gained ungainable knowledge in your classroom. Please never forget how you have absolutely changed the course of my life - I miss you on behalf of the school and you haven't even left yet. Time to go spread your magic dust somewhere else but, should you ever need us, the #LingoNinjas will never be far away.
Thank you more than words, in any language, can ever say.
Lingo Ninja points - strong 10
P.S. If it is really time to go, here's the link to get you geared up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXsxvdF481I
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Episode 13: Tuesday, 27th January 2015
This week, Ant and Dec talk about a range of topics, from election debates, to Burns Suppers, and even Chinese traditional customs! Also, we talk of the implications of the first female Bishop.
Plus, we have a lingo chat about the newest series of "Big Brother", and a discussion that naturally leads to Dallas. Theme by: Daniel Kerr
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Plus, we have a lingo chat about the newest series of "Big Brother", and a discussion that naturally leads to Dallas. Theme by: Daniel Kerr
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Episode 12: Wednesday, 14th January 2015
In this podcast we talk of the tragic events in Paris this week, and talk of unity throughout the World.
Also we have "throne" this story out to you all, regarding a Pub-owner who has had sleepless knights over an unpaid gas bill addressed to The Prince of Wales.
Finally, it's Facts Week on GMN and an IP update from Declan!
Theme by: Daniel Kerr
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Also we have "throne" this story out to you all, regarding a Pub-owner who has had sleepless knights over an unpaid gas bill addressed to The Prince of Wales.
Finally, it's Facts Week on GMN and an IP update from Declan!
Theme by: Daniel Kerr
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Episode 11, GMN Returns: Tuesday, 6th of January 2015
Ant and Dec return in the first episode of the New Year. With a slight rebrand of theme and format the duo introduce topics such as censorship, voting age and space hopping.
Remember to tell us your views on the news and also our new theme by commenting below or tweeting us@GMorningNinjas.
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Remember to tell us your views on the news and also our new theme by commenting below or tweeting us
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Monday, 22 December 2014
REVIEW: The Wrong Mans is Back!
Declan discusses the opening episode(s) of BBC2 critically acclaimed dramatic comedy...
In 2013, James Cordon and Mathew Baynton burst onto our screens as the wrong men, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Over 6 weeks the duo delivered stunning comedy all the while keeping viewers wondering if they would survive to tell the tale. The series was complimented by critics alike and done well in terms of ratings and when the series concluded Cordon, who writes the show alongside his co-star Baynton, confirmed he was "definitely doing more wrong mans".
And so the wait began, until a few months back when the BBC revealed the show would return at Christmas. Tonight (22nd of December) it came back.
Now before I do get into discussing the episode I would like to point out that this series was reduced to 4 episodes and naturally would have demanded 4 weeks instead it was condensed in 2 episodes (retaining all 4 episode titles respectively) over 2 nights in 1 hour slots.
Having patiently waited I was shocked when I actually realised it was airing tonight. I was, for whatever reason, under the illusion the first episode(s) was debuting on Christmas day - not to be - and so hurried to the TV to get set for action-packed, edge of my seat enjoyment and yes, it delivered immensely.
Opening with were series 1 left off, Sam and Phil are in the car unaware of the ticking bomb underneath, the began to drive along the street and conveniently stop at a drive-thru they argue over Sam's meal size before driving off to be stopped by the police. And so the story of series 2 begun, one of the officers noticed the bomb, alerted the two men and luckily they escaped. However, an agreement for their own safety saw their death faked and them shipped off to the USA. Under witness protection the 2 friends take on different identities and try to adjust to their new lives.
Sam struggles with the events and is taken back by everything (naturally) nevertheless Phil remains oblivious feeling his life has only got better. Sam continues to groan about missing back home and begs to be allowed to return but isn't allowed when he makes his desire known to the director of the British secret service. Phil carries on and basically shoves Sam's feelings to one side, that is until he discovers his mum has been admitted to hospital and might not make it Christmas - this is when he realises that Sam has been right to wish to go home all along.
Phil decides to tell Sam and we get a real glimpse of just how fantastic the writing is when Sam repeats a line spoken by Phil in the first series when the shenanigans initially began.
Now, for those of you who do plan to watch it I won't go into every detail and shall jump ahead to when Sam and Phil's attempt to leave the USA is foiled and the get caught for trying to smuggle drugs into the UK - they are of course the wrong mans who planted the narcotics. Taken to a Texas prison, we see the two men who still genuinely are not fit for the high life clearly torn apart by a US state institution however it is Cordon and Baynton's portrayal of the Berkshire men in a a real gritty place that just makes it so delightful to watch.
Spending time for a crime they didn't actually commit the men try to find a way to escape and once again return for aid from the person who tried to have them smuggle narcotics.As they sit in their cell hatching a fruitless plan they discover #SaveDallas carvings on one of the walls.
The pair's acting abilities are truly stunning and are apparent constantly throughout, they maintain a serious tone yet still keep the audience laughing. The twist and turns of just episode 1 (and 2) are fantastic as although we have gotten to know the characters so well, their character development continues and we just don't know what they'll do next.
I'm already hoping for a third series but for now I'm just going to have a cwup of cwoffee in the wait for the second and final instalment.
In the meanwhile. be sure to let us know your views of the hit dramatic comedy by commenting below, tweeting us @GMorningNinjas or even emailing us at goodmorningninjas@gmail.com.
James Cordon and Mathew Baynton's The Wrong Mans concludes tomorrow, 23rd of December at 9pm on BBC2.
In 2013, James Cordon and Mathew Baynton burst onto our screens as the wrong men, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Over 6 weeks the duo delivered stunning comedy all the while keeping viewers wondering if they would survive to tell the tale. The series was complimented by critics alike and done well in terms of ratings and when the series concluded Cordon, who writes the show alongside his co-star Baynton, confirmed he was "definitely doing more wrong mans".
And so the wait began, until a few months back when the BBC revealed the show would return at Christmas. Tonight (22nd of December) it came back.
Now before I do get into discussing the episode I would like to point out that this series was reduced to 4 episodes and naturally would have demanded 4 weeks instead it was condensed in 2 episodes (retaining all 4 episode titles respectively) over 2 nights in 1 hour slots.
Having patiently waited I was shocked when I actually realised it was airing tonight. I was, for whatever reason, under the illusion the first episode(s) was debuting on Christmas day - not to be - and so hurried to the TV to get set for action-packed, edge of my seat enjoyment and yes, it delivered immensely.
Opening with were series 1 left off, Sam and Phil are in the car unaware of the ticking bomb underneath, the began to drive along the street and conveniently stop at a drive-thru they argue over Sam's meal size before driving off to be stopped by the police. And so the story of series 2 begun, one of the officers noticed the bomb, alerted the two men and luckily they escaped. However, an agreement for their own safety saw their death faked and them shipped off to the USA. Under witness protection the 2 friends take on different identities and try to adjust to their new lives.
Sam struggles with the events and is taken back by everything (naturally) nevertheless Phil remains oblivious feeling his life has only got better. Sam continues to groan about missing back home and begs to be allowed to return but isn't allowed when he makes his desire known to the director of the British secret service. Phil carries on and basically shoves Sam's feelings to one side, that is until he discovers his mum has been admitted to hospital and might not make it Christmas - this is when he realises that Sam has been right to wish to go home all along.
Phil decides to tell Sam and we get a real glimpse of just how fantastic the writing is when Sam repeats a line spoken by Phil in the first series when the shenanigans initially began.
Now, for those of you who do plan to watch it I won't go into every detail and shall jump ahead to when Sam and Phil's attempt to leave the USA is foiled and the get caught for trying to smuggle drugs into the UK - they are of course the wrong mans who planted the narcotics. Taken to a Texas prison, we see the two men who still genuinely are not fit for the high life clearly torn apart by a US state institution however it is Cordon and Baynton's portrayal of the Berkshire men in a a real gritty place that just makes it so delightful to watch.
Spending time for a crime they didn't actually commit the men try to find a way to escape and once again return for aid from the person who tried to have them smuggle narcotics.
I'm already hoping for a third series but for now I'm just going to have a cwup of cwoffee in the wait for the second and final instalment.
In the meanwhile. be sure to let us know your views of the hit dramatic comedy by commenting below, tweeting us @GMorningNinjas or even emailing us at goodmorningninjas@gmail.com.
James Cordon and Mathew Baynton's The Wrong Mans concludes tomorrow, 23rd of December at 9pm on BBC2.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Episode 10, Ninjas Back Home: Tuesday, 2nd December 2014
The Ninjas are back from Strasbourg!
After a long and eventful week, the Lingo Ninjas come back from Strasbourg. We discuss various highlights from this occasion, as well as a discussion on the EU.
Today, Declan and Anthony are also joined by Iain Fleming, Caitlin Ward and Danielle Gray, discussing what was happening around the school whilst we were away, and what will becoming up.
Also, there is an IP update from Anthony on Food Banks in Strasbourg.
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
After a long and eventful week, the Lingo Ninjas come back from Strasbourg. We discuss various highlights from this occasion, as well as a discussion on the EU.
Today, Declan and Anthony are also joined by Iain Fleming, Caitlin Ward and Danielle Gray, discussing what was happening around the school whilst we were away, and what will becoming up.
Also, there is an IP update from Anthony on Food Banks in Strasbourg.
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Episode 9, Ninjas On Tour: Tuesday, 25th November 2014
The Ninjas have arrived in Strasbourg!
It wasn't plain sailing as this episode was recorded on the ferry across to Calais. Nevertheless, full steam ahead for Ant and Dec as we discussed Euroscola - what it entails - and UKIP: the changing face of British politics?
Enjoy the first of many specials throughout this week, use #NinjasOnTour when tweeting us at either @allsaintslingo or @GMorningNinjas!
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
It wasn't plain sailing as this episode was recorded on the ferry across to Calais. Nevertheless, full steam ahead for Ant and Dec as we discussed Euroscola - what it entails - and UKIP: the changing face of British politics?
Enjoy the first of many specials throughout this week, use #NinjasOnTour when tweeting us at either @allsaintslingo or @GMorningNinjas!
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Au Revoir Écosse, Bonjour France!
Yes, you
read correctly the Ninjas are going on tour! And can you guess (unless you
listened to the latest podcast episodes) where we are going? STRASBOURG!
Home to
the European Parliament, well one of them, as part of the Euroscola programme All Saints is going to France. This incredible
opportunity will give students the chance to visit and study in a French
school, complete street surveys with Strasbourg-ean citizens along with visiting
and spending the day in Parliament, there is even a ceilidh at the end!
If you listened
to the latest episodes you’ll already know that, us podcasters, Good Morning
Ninjas will be taking part and will therefore be tweeting (from@GMorningNinjas) and delivering
podcasts straight from the city itself… and also the bus en route there and
coming home.
details of this very exciting project can be found in the latest episode of the
podcast. So tune in from Monday as we
take part in a very thrilling week.
going to Strasbourg between the 24th of November and the 1st
of December!
Friday, 21 November 2014
Episode 8: Friday, 21st November 2014
On today's show Anthony and Declan meet with Miss Hewitt to discuss Book Week Scotland. This episode has been reduced to a mini-podcast because some of the topics we planned to discuss have either concluded themselves or are not appropriate at this time.
Book Week Scotland commences in All Saints on Monday, 24th November and runs through until Friday, 28th November.
Remember next week it's Euroscola time get involved primarily using the hashtag #NinjasOnTour on twitter!
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Book Week Scotland commences in All Saints on Monday, 24th November and runs through until Friday, 28th November.
Remember next week it's Euroscola time get involved primarily using the hashtag #NinjasOnTour on twitter!
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
The #SaveDallas Efforts Have Ended
A message from Declan...
I'm extremely saddened to announce that the #SaveDallas campaigns efforts to get another network to pick up the beloved show have not been successful.
After 6 weeks of tweets, twibbons, petitions and facebook pages the executive producers have announced today (Wednesday 19th November 2014) that along with Warner Bros. they have been unable to locate a new home for the show. They released this statement:
I'm extremely saddened to announce that the #SaveDallas campaigns efforts to get another network to pick up the beloved show have not been successful.
After 6 weeks of tweets, twibbons, petitions and facebook pages the executive producers have announced today (Wednesday 19th November 2014) that along with Warner Bros. they have been unable to locate a new home for the show. They released this statement:
Hi Friends,
Well, we have come to the end. After a 6-week attempt to try and land our beloved “Dallas” at another network, we have to inform you that we have not succeeded. Warner Horizon has attempted, in a Herculean way, to try and find us a new home, but at the end of the day it did not work out.
We so appreciate the outpouring of support by all of you, and the #SaveDallas campaign was a truly remarkable undertaking. We cannot fully express how much we loved making this show for you and with you. We had 3 wonderful years together, and we had the times of our lives bringing this iconic show back to television. Thank you for your support; thank you for your loyalty to our wonderful characters; and thank you for watching our show.
We wish you all our very best, and thank you again for loving “Dallas.”
With great admiration and appreciation,
Cynthia Cidre and Michael Robin
As you will probably already know, here at GMN, we've been supporting the campaign and even discussed the success of facebook pages such as Dallas: Get the Ewings a New Network and if you've been checking the twitter one of the topics on the next podcast was due to be the continued efforts of #SaveDallas.
But for me, I cannot find words that describe my upset and disappointment. Dallas was and will remain my favourite show for many reasons: the iconic characters, the storylines, the ranch. It seems that following the initial cancellation there was so much buzz about saving the show that actual cancellation seemed extremely unlikely - well, I in fact didn't believe that we wouldn't see a 4th season. Now, I (along with all the Dallas fans) have to come to terms with the loss of this great show.
I won't bore you with my endless memories of the fantastic show or why the characters made me joyful, I just want everyone to know that we must know this: yes, the fight is over but the dream will never die (sorry Bobby). We've been left with massive cliffhangers, unanswered questions and TV's that will never blast that theme live ever again therefore, I do believe that in future some network will pick us up again. I can't say for certain when, it took TNT 2o years to reboot it, but what I can confirm is that as long as there are fans, Dallas will live on forever.
So, thank you Warner Bros. Thank you Cynthia Cidre and Michael Robin. Thank you backstage production team. I suppose, in a mixed up way, thanks TNT for bring the show back (even though you untimely cancelled it). However, most of all, thank you cast. Dallas does have the best cast ever, Patrick Duffy and Linda Gray you are our champions, Josh Henderson you were an excellent John Ross and you've undoubtly lived up to your father's name, thank you and rest in peace Larry Hagman for, well, you know JR and everyone else you were just spectacular too. Thank you Dallas.
On a last note, maybe this can serve as a warning. Good quality drama, "the most successful TV show ever" cancelled and what remains on the box? Rubbish reality, some could argue the Kardashians... I won't disagree. If we keep losing real, gripping drama what will we be left with? I don't think it bares thinking about.
And so...
Dallas will return, it's JR's real masterpeice. Until then, take a break (get out of twitter jail) and remember the dedication and love you highlighted to the show. Y'all were just simply brilliant.
Dallas 1978 -1991, 2012 -2014.
P.S. #SaveDallas #DallasWillReturn
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Episode 7: Thursday, 13th November 2014
On todays episode, Anthony and Declan talk about the Catalonian Referendum, working Anti-Social hours, and of course, Dallas, and its campaign to stay on air.
Plus, there is some Lingo Chat, in which we talk (or at least try to) about Doctor Who, and its choice of a female master. Also, we have announcement regarding IP updates.
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Plus, there is some Lingo Chat, in which we talk (or at least try to) about Doctor Who, and its choice of a female master. Also, we have announcement regarding IP updates.
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Friday, 7 November 2014
A Few Changes
Over the next few days we'll be making a few small changes to the blog.
We've started by increasing the text size in our gadget and date section from 11 to 16, this is to make our blog more accessible.
Along with this we have imputed some new gadgets such as the "breaking news" on. Here, you can find all the most up-to-date news with tags that we find important at the current time - expect these to change frequently as different stories emerge.
Another cool function we'd love you to get on board with us our free subscription service, in this you can put your email in and each time there is a new post on the blog you'll be notified - don't worry we hate spam as much as you do.
You can expect to see a few minor changes, like the ones mentioned, over the coming days. We appreciate you as viewers and listeners and are excited about continuing our dedicated services.
In the meantime, we highly advice following our twitter located at @GMorningNinjas this is where we are most active as we tweet daily with news articles. Our YouTube channel which can be found by searching for Good Morning Ninjas is also a place we'd suggest checking out. Furthermore, if you have any topics you think would be good to discuss on the show or if you would like to volunteer as a guest panellist give us an email at goodmorningninjas@gmail.com and we'll be sure to get back to you.
Have a great weekend and we'll speak to you on the next podcast!
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Episode 6: Wednesday, 29th October 2014
On today's programme, we discuss the Pros and Cons of the EU,and a spooktacular chat about Halloween!
Also, we have special guest Joe Dale, discussing his role within Languages, you can find him on twitter here
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Also, we have special guest Joe Dale, discussing his role within Languages, you can find him on twitter here
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Episode 5: Thursday, 2nd October 2014
Today we are joined by our regulars; Declan McLean, Emma Ciantar, Anthony Carroll and Ailish Anderson, as well as our new member, Natalie Findlay.
We also have special guest, Mark Pentelton, of Coffee Break Language fame!
Find Mark on: www.radiolingua.com
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
We also have special guest, Mark Pentelton, of Coffee Break Language fame!
Find Mark on: www.radiolingua.com
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Episode 4: Tuesday, 23rd September 2014
Welcome to this special edition of Good Morning Ninjas: Ant and Dec's Tuesday Morning Breakfast! Today, Anthony and Declan have a casual morning chat on light hearted stories in the news, plus, the very first Ant vs. Dec challenge!
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Episode 3: Tuesday, 9th September

It was discovered that this episode had developed a bug somewhere and therefore disappeared - probably some coding issue...
Anyway here is episode 3 back up - presented by Ailish Anderson, Anthony Carroll, Emma Ciantar and Declan McLean
Theme tune from www.freesfx.co.uk
All views expressed in the programme are solely of the individuals involved and do not express the views of All Saints Secondary and/or any others associated with the school.
Friday, 19 September 2014
Scotland Votes No
After years of campaigning the polling stations closed their doors at 10pm last night (18th September) and the counting began to find out how the nation had voted - yes or no.
Firstly, each constituency concluded their voter turnout, with East Dumbartonshire having the highest at 91%, before moving on to finding out if it was a "yes" or "no".
The first result, from Clackmannanshire, came in around 1am and although predicted as a place which would have a "yes" vote it was the "no" campaign which won the first of 32 constituencies taking 19,036 votes (53.80%) to 16,350 votes (46.20%). The next 4 constituencies followed all voting for the Union. Dundee was the 6th constituency to announce and, like predicted, voted in favour of independence with "yes" taking 53,620 votes (57.35%) and "no" only 39,800 (42.65%). The night continued with result after result but by around 4pm the BBC and Sky News were forecasting a "no" vote after a successful night for the all-party unionist campaign. Both had stated that the only way back would have been if Glasgow had voted "yes" with an extreme majority, and although they did vote yes, the numbers were not strong enough - 194,799 (53.49%) to 169.347 (46.51%) respectively.
As the sun began to rise it was apparent that "no" was very likely to win the referendum and by 7am the better together campaign had reached the goal and sealed Scotland's fate within the Union.
Firstly, each constituency concluded their voter turnout, with East Dumbartonshire having the highest at 91%, before moving on to finding out if it was a "yes" or "no".
The first result, from Clackmannanshire, came in around 1am and although predicted as a place which would have a "yes" vote it was the "no" campaign which won the first of 32 constituencies taking 19,036 votes (53.80%) to 16,350 votes (46.20%). The next 4 constituencies followed all voting for the Union. Dundee was the 6th constituency to announce and, like predicted, voted in favour of independence with "yes" taking 53,620 votes (57.35%) and "no" only 39,800 (42.65%). The night continued with result after result but by around 4pm the BBC and Sky News were forecasting a "no" vote after a successful night for the all-party unionist campaign. Both had stated that the only way back would have been if Glasgow had voted "yes" with an extreme majority, and although they did vote yes, the numbers were not strong enough - 194,799 (53.49%) to 169.347 (46.51%) respectively.
As the sun began to rise it was apparent that "no" was very likely to win the referendum and by 7am the better together campaign had reached the goal and sealed Scotland's fate within the Union.
The Scottish Referendum smashed turnout records with a vast 84.59% turning up to make the choice. Both Alex Salmond, Alistair Darling and David Cameron spoke following the news that saw the campaign come to end with "no" on 2,001,926 votes (55%) plus 28 of a possible 32 constituencies and "yes" on 1,617,989 (45%) and 4 of a possible 32 constituencies meaning the United Kingdom remained intact.
You can find the results for all constituencies plus some videos from the night itself over on the BBC website, found here.
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